Dengue patrol smkdmpr2 - My knowledge on dengue fever

Dengue Fever
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Dengue Symptoms and Signs
Primary symptoms of dengue appear three to 15 days after the mosquito bite and include the following:
·         high fever and severe headache,
·         with severe pain behind the eyes that is apparent when trying to move the eyes.
Other associated symptoms are:
·         joint pain,
·         muscle and bone pain,
·         rash,
·         and mild bleeding.
Many affected people complain of low back pain.
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Dengue fever facts

  • Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes.
  • Symptoms of dengue fever include severe joint and muscle painswollen lymph nodesheadachefever, exhaustion, and rash. The presence of fever, rash, and headache (the "dengue triad") is characteristic of dengue fever.
  • Dengue is prevalent throughout the tropics and subtropics.
  • Dengue fever is caused by a virus, and there is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it. For typical dengue fever, the treatment is directed toward relief of the symptoms (symptomatic treatment).

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