Dengue patrol smkdmpr2- Essay writing - Let's Clean Our School- without aedes, without dengue, we are happy

Let's Clean Our School- without aedes, without dengue, we are happy

As SMK Dato Mahmud  students, we spend at least seven hours in school every school day. We all desire clean classrooms, tidy  big hall, bright canteen, unpolluted hallways, and hygienic restrooms. Ahhh.. lets make our dreams come true

What do you do if your bedroom at home gets messy? You clean it. What if the place that gets messy is not your bedroom but a place you spend just as much time? Would you rather see the place get messier and suffer from the consequences instead of cleaning it? A rational and reasonable person would take action to clean the place. Thus, the solution to the problem of rising neglect in keeping our schools clean is straightforward: have students clean their own schools. If every  school student is required to clean their own school for about fifteen minutes every school day, we'll see a cleaner and healthier school environment and especially without aedes nor dengue.

Working together to clean the school presents an excellent opportunity for students to learn and practice cooperation with others. Cleaning school facilities as a group activity requires students to communicate, help, and coordinate with one another. Such a collective effort will help students develop skills in working with others and learn the concept of team spirit. This idea is of particular importance to today's secondary schools where most students go home right after the last bell rings. Without the chance to interact with peers in a common task on a regular basis, it is impossible for young people to grow the desire and acquire the skills to collaborate with others. As a result, they’ll grow up to become self-centred and unhelpful people—people who will not be welcome by society. As a Dato Mahmud school student, will you feel appreciative that a school activity improves your interest and abilities in team work so that you become a well-liked person for the rest of your life? The innate value of team work in this activity is significant and far-reaching.

Moreover, requiring students to clean up their own surroundings nurtures their concept and belief in caring for the environment. The very fact that their school facilities need to be cleaned by their own hands demonstrates the importance of keeping their surrounding environment clean. Consequently, they will become naturally inclined to care for the environment. During the course of cleaning the school environment, students also get the opportunity to learn and practice what is appropriate and inappropriate for the environment. As Dato Mahmud school  student, will you feel gratified that a school activity creates environmental awareness in your mind so that you consciously become a good steward of the Earth? The inherent value of environmental awareness in this activity is significant and far-reachin So let's clean our school and together we solve the major problem of the nation - Without aedes, without dengue - we are happy. 

It is time for us to take care of our Dato Mahmud  school  so that we can one day take care of our families, our communities, and our country. For a healthier school environment, for a richer educational experience, for a brighter future, and for a better self, let's clean our school.

Ain - fourth former of smkDMPR2

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